Multiple Choice Subject Verb Agreement
Anything ……better
than going to another movie tonight.
a. Are
b. Is *
c. Was
d. Were
There ….. some
people at the meeting last night.
a. Was
b. Were *
c. Are
d. Is
Each student ……. Answered
the first three questions.
a. Have
b. Has *
c. Here
d. Are
After she had
perused the matrial, the secretary decided that everything …… in order.
a. Was *
b. Were
c. Has
d. Have
I ….. submit the
a. Doing
b. Do *
c. Does
d. Do it
The manager ……
checked the documents.
a. Is
b. Are
c. Has *
d. Here
My family will ……
to Anyer Beach tomorrow.
a. Going
b. Gone
c. Went
d. Go *
Most people …… to
listening music.
a. Like *
b. Liked
c. Likes
d. Liker
One of his cats ….
like tuna.
a. Don’t
b. Doesn’t *
c. Isn’t
d. Aren’t
10. The police …… been called.
a. Was
b. Were
c. Have *
d. Has
Error Analysis
(-) Error : Him and I have been good
friends now for many years.
(-) Correct :
He andI have been good friends now for many years.
(-) Error : No one in the class is better at
computer programming than her.
(-) Correct :
No one In the class is better at computer programming than she.
(-) Error : When I only three years old,
my mother taught me to play basketball.
(-) Correct :
When I was only three years old, my mother taught me to play basketball.
(-) Error : Miley looks more better than
Sisca in a leather coat.
(-) Correct :
Miley looks better than Sisca in a leather coat.
(-) Error : Anybody who wants more dessert
should give their order to the pastry chef.
(-) Correct :
Anybody who wants more dessert should give his or her order to the
pastry chef.
(-) Error : By the end of this month, my sister
arrives from eropa.
(-) Correct :
By the end of this month, my sister will arrive from eropa.
(-) Error : A doctor should wears a full
handed white and coloured apron to treat the patient.
(-) Correct :
A doctor should wear a full handed white and coloured apron to treat the
(-) Error : Recently, the work had been
being done by William Parker.
(-) Correct :
Recently, the work has been being done by William Parker.
(-) Error : The decisions of the judge seems
(-) Correct :
The decisions of the judge seem questionable.
20. (-) Error :
I asked the clerk if the store had Stevie Wonders latest CD.
(-) Correct :
I asked the clerk if the store had Stevie Wonder’s latest CD.
21. (-) Error :
When turning on the ignition, the car backfired.
(-) Correct :
When I turned on the ignition, the car backfired.
22. (-) Error :
The Sony camrecorder demo was fun and impressive, but it is not as better
as Microsoft’s.
(-) Correct :
The Sony camrecorder demo was fun and impressive, but it is not as good
as Microsoft’s.
23. (-) Error :
I hated to ask Luna, whom is a very stingy person to lend me money.
(-) Correct :
I hated to ask Luna, who is a very stingy person to lend me money.
24. (-) Error :
Trying to get outside quickly, the poor dog caught it’s tail in the
(-) Correct :
Trying to get outside quickly, the poor dog caught its tail in the door.
25. (-) Error :
The little boy spoke so quiet that I could hardly hear him.
(-) Correct :
The little boy spoke so quietly that I could hardly hear him.